Music Monday

Zazie is a french singer with a lot of great songs, but I this is my favorite video. It is not work safe a special treat for all my new followers 🙂 Enjoy and maybe be inspired for a story? It's a happy playful song. I always want to skip and twirl in circles when I hear it. Seeing a man and daydreaming about taking all his clothes off- I've never done that before *tried to look innocent*

Third Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign

I've decided to join the Third Writers' Platform-Building Campaign. There are hundreds of fellow authors joining up and you follow who you want so you can control how much you take on! I'm very excited about being able to expand my platform, meet fellow authors, and make new friends. Come check it out, I hope to see you there. either my computer or wordpress is acting up- I can't make links...

Foreign Film Friday

Lucky number thirteen is a French movie called Vampire Party. When one thinks of French movies you often get the stereotype of deep artsy angst driven drama. Well this move will blow that stereo type away. Three friends get invited to an exclusive party- they use helicopters to fly the guest to the castle- it looks like fun, and it will be for the vampires waiting for them. But wait- the prize guest at this party- the top ranking dentist in France, because these vampires need a dentist. I’m...

Wise, Wacky and Witty Wednesday

Today we have a writing prompt- with the help of GoCheeksGo So everyone start with “What I learned while tripping on peyote in the desert...” I’ll start. What I learned while tripping on peyote in the desert is that me and girl in India- our hearts are beating at exactly the same time. For some unknown reason I can only upload videos half the time on my laptop- I will fix the video when I get to another computer.

Music Monday

I’ve spent a lot of time with the boys so the next few Monday’s will be dedicated to female singers. The first is Marija Serifovic who won the 2007 Eurovision song contest. She has a rich voice which is full of passion and I love that she sings in her native language. I also love that she is not a magazine beauty. Marija won because she is talented not because she looks like a Barbie doll. One of the things I like about foreign media is I'm more likely to find people who look like regular...

Foreign Film Friday

Were are back to BBC Tele for review twelve. I LOVE Sherlock Holmes stories from the old Basil Rathbone to the new Robert Downey Jr.- I am also ashamed to admit I’ve never read the books but I do plan to. Anyway the BBC show Sherlock is an modern Sherlock Holmes story. Watson was hurt in Afghanistan, and he’s competent not a bumbling fool- which I like. Sherlock is seriously off, his social skill are very lacking and he’s fully aware of this. I think this Sherlock is more aware of exactly who...

Wise, Witty, and Wacky Wednesday

My last few Wednesday’s have been pretty deep- so it’s time for some wacky! We all have out- there dreams- ten of cups hopes that are balanced on nothing. What are yours? Come on most of you reading this are authors- so when your book sells millions, and is made into a movie- what are you going to do? Me- tropical beach, umbrella (cause I’m way white and burn) and a pool boy- I’m not sure if I’ll bother with the pool. For whatever reason I can't get the link to work today- I'll try on another...

Music Monday

I’m not sure if everyone has already seen this video- it made the Internet circuit a while ago, but on the off chance someone hasn’t seen Playing for Change Stand By Me I wanted to share it. Playing for Change recorded street musicians from around the world and blended their music and voices together into one song- it’s amazingly beautiful.

Foreign Film Friday

Movie number eleven is another Bollywood! Om Shante Om Yeah dancing, singing, beautiful costumes, and in this one a murder which spans over two lifetimes! Shah Rukh Khan who I have mentioned before because I love him, he’s an amazing actor. Deepika Padukone is the heroine and she is also wonderful. One thing I liked is how different the two life times are portrayed, they come together because of flash backs Shah’s character is having, they live different lives and are different people....

Wise, Witty, and Wacky Wednesday

There are times - far too many times- where I wallow in self pity. I see a beautiful slender woman, or try and put on a pair of jeans, or someone in my one of my writing groups get a contract, whatever the list goes on and on, and I wallow in self-pity for a while. Then their are times when I see something and mentally slap myself and say- you stupid whiny brat- suck it up- live your life and stop bitching. This is one of those times. What...



Alica McKenna Johnson writes about snarky girls, kind boys, and the adults trying to keep them alive. After day dreaming for the first thirty years of life, Alica finally began writing her stories down, much to the delight of her readers. As Alica sits in her armchair at home dreaming of traveling the world, her diverse characters explore for her listening to music, seeing the sights, and eating exotic foods.

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