Zazie is a french singer with a lot of great songs, but I this is my favorite video. It is not work safe a special treat for all my new followers 🙂 Enjoy and maybe be inspired for a story?
It’s a happy playful song. I always want to skip and twirl in circles when I hear it.
Seeing a man and daydreaming about taking all his clothes off- I’ve never done that before *tried to look innocent*
Gotta love a man in a puffy shirt! Cute ending. I was thinking 4 women, 2 men, does not compute, but then it did.
Only certain men can pull off the puff shirt lol. I love the look on their faces when the guys kiss- they are so sad.
I am a huge Francophile. One of my secret karaoke dreams is to pull off Jacques Brel’s Amsterdam in front of a terrified audience. So far, I have about half of it learned (I don’t speak French). Thanks for turning me on to Zazie!
Your welcome- I’ll have to look up Amsterdam- I don;t sing at all so I’m very impressed you can sing any of it 🙂
I never said I could actually sing it. Notice the “terrified audience” part of my dream.
LOL- too funny- it’s like Angle when he would sing for Lauren.
GREAT VIDEO WITH THE SURPRISE ENDING! Loved that, Alica. She has a beautiful voice.
Isn’t it great! I love her face at the end when they kiss- and of course the men are worth a look. She does have a great voice- I’ve hoped from one video to another of hers on youtube.
Thanks Patti
Alica, oh my! What a terrific video. I had a feeling her song would have that surprise ending. Suits her personality. Love, love, love it–well, not the ending so much as the rest. Alas, reality can be painful.
Thanks Jolyse- sometimes our dreams just don;t become reality. it is a great song. 🙂
Oh my, very sexy, fun and a great inspiration. Just love the ending.
One moment . . . daydreaming 🙂
Fellow campaigner here. Love your blog, Alicia!
Nice to meet you Sharon! It’s a great video for daydreaming 🙂