Were are back to BBC Tele for review twelve. I LOVE Sherlock Holmes stories from the old Basil Rathbone to the new Robert Downey Jr.- I am also ashamed to admit I’ve never read the books but I do plan to. Anyway the BBC show Sherlock is an modern Sherlock Holmes story. Watson was hurt in Afghanistan, and he’s competent not a bumbling fool- which I like. Sherlock is seriously off, his social skill are very lacking and he’s fully aware of this.
I think this Sherlock is more aware of exactly who and what he is then any of the others. As I was preparing this blog it occurred to me that people with social issues have a much harder time now then they would have at the turn of the century. When the original Sherlock Homes was set social behavior was very regulated, you spoke to woman in a certain way, and men of standing in a certain way, and servants in a certain way and those with social difficulties simply had to learn those rules and no one noticed they were faking it.
In our modern world those rules don’t exist. Sure there is the polite way to act- but so few people bother with that. So how does someone with social issues function? They become ‘outcasts’ or ‘the odd ones’ they learn and mimic people and accept they aren’t as flexible going from one group to another- Dexter. They work from home, they jump from job to job because they can’t get along with others. Some are geniuses and excused from having to be socially functional- Big Bang Theory.
I work with kids who have been removed from their homes by CPS and a huge part of my job- other then basic hygiene- is social skills. Giving people space, being aware of voice tone, reading body language, and speaking politely. Some kids are young enough or versatile enough that they will learn and fit in well. Some kids are faking it.
Anyway back to Sherlock. These are all new cases- and his skills have been updated to match modern technology. And the guys are hot- sorry I was trying not to objectify them, but it’s me 🙂 I like hot guys. I want to tell you more- but I don’t want to ruin anything. This really is a unique Sherlock. I enjoyed it so much that I will be watching it over and over again. They are making a second season- but it’s not out yet. So go and watch Sherlock- make sure to tell me how much you loved it and then we will wait anxiously for the next season.
Here’s a clip of Sherlock- it’s short but fun- he has a lot of great lines.
I have heard really good things about this….I need to see if it’s available on Netflix so I can catch up.
I enjoyed it SO much- it was intense, sexy, funny, and scary a great show.
Here you can watch all three episodes online for free. I’ve just watched “A Study in Pink”
Thanks for the link 🙂 It’s such a great show!