There are times – far too many times- where I wallow in self pity. I see a beautiful slender woman, or try and put on a pair of jeans, or someone in my one of my writing groups get a contract, whatever the list goes on and on, and I wallow in self-pity for a while. Then their are times when I see something and mentally slap myself and say- you stupid whiny brat- suck it up- live your life and stop bitching. This is one of those times.
What could I accomplish if I just put a little energy into it? Being healthier and losing weight- finishing my book- writing daily- learning how to format my book for e-pub. What do you want to learn? And what is holding you back?
All you have to do is watch something like that video to put your troubles and whining to an end, huh? Thanks for the reminder that my life is so full of wonderful things and I should always live it with excitement and enthusiasm for all the things I can accomplish if I try.
I’ve locked the zipper on my mouth. My whining is selfish, when I should be grateful. I needed that nudge back into real life’s reality. Thanks Alica.
I needed the nudge too- sometimes our lives become so overwhelming we forget how much we have.
Thanks Doree.
Puts everything into perspective doesn’t it?
It really does- it reminds me if I really want some I can get it, but I have to WORK for it 🙂
Thanks Elaine
Wow. Don’t stop, right? Or never, never, never quit. Which is it? What a wonderful, inspirational video.
I’d like to be a writer….
I think it’s both work work and work some more and you can achieve anything.
Thanks Catie!
I’m working on the same things you are! (Formatting when I’m done checking blogs). Thanks for sharing!
Guh- the migraine I got trying to fomatt has set me back- thinking of highering the duty out- maybe my kid can figure it out lol!
Thanks Jennette!
That’s the kind of motivation worthy to be posted on a wall. 🙂
Thanks! I agree
You are Welcome!