Help me Read Your Books!!!

This is for ALL authors, so please listen up, this could mean the difference from my downloading your book and actually reading and reviewing it! When I download books onto my Kindle Fire, I rarely just download one. So as I browse, get hooked by covers, read blurbs,...

Sexy Sherlock

I am re-posting this because 1- I have a lot more friends now *waves to you all* and 2- Season Two of Sherlock starts Sunday night on PBS!!!!!! I am so excited. I LOVE Sherlock Holmes stories from the old Basil Rathbone to the new Robert Downey Jr.- I am also ashamed...


FYI- this post hasn’t been edited because I’m feeling inspired right now and because this is a raw subject so I’m letting myself be raw and vulnerable. Okay I’m a day late posting and don’t have time to get it edited- but the vulnerable...