Monday Music and Musings

Create Diversity Tip Three: basic research I fear today’s tip isn’t very exciting, but basic research isn’t always very exciting. If you want to write about a place or people you don’t know, get yourself to the library and start researching. Now I will share a...

Create Diversity Tip Two

I missed all of you, but I needed a week to get my blogs built back up and figure out what I was doing. I’m taking Krisitn Lamb’s blogging class so expect wonderful changes. Monday Musings and Music. Create Diversity Tip Two: books and movies. I have heard...

Music and Musings Monday

After several lovely comments and my own need to put something in my blog I am going to expand upon my eight steps towards adding more cultural diversity into your life and your writing. Tip one is all about perspective and cheating. My YA series Phoenix Child has...

Music and Musings Monday

All right- I am trying to expand my blogs- make them more interesting and engaging, and more then the twenty words I normally post lol! So Monday will now become—– Music and Musing Monday. I like to muse and ponder about all sorts of things- which leaves...