Foreign Flim Friday

My sixth movie for Foreign Film Friday is sad get your tissues ready! It is a Bollywood which takes place in San Fransisco and is mostly in English. It stars Shah Rukh Khan- one of my favorite actors, and Kajol who I like a lot. This is a three hour epic which will...

Music Monday

Hello every one I missed you last week! My work took all the kids to the beach and California. Two adults, ten kids, eight hour drive down windy freeway in a top heavy 15 passender van- both ways- two days at the beach- please don’t let the undertoe take anyone...

Foreign Film Friday

Friday This is my first installment of Foreign Film Friday. My family and I enjoy watching foreign films. They give us a glimpse into other cultures, unique plot lines, and you don’t know how they will end as their ‘movie formulas’ are different. For my first movie...