Another new adult book, and another fiery rage burning in my body by chapter two. I’m beginning to hate this genre as a whole, so if anyone knows of a good new adult book, please let me know. BTW, a good one won’t have a heroine who is TSTL (To Stupid To Live) and who is forced into situation by her ‘best friend.’ Also it won’t have a womanizing jerk for a hero. This one looked at a crowd of drinking girls and thought of them as ‘easy pickings.’ Now once he gets our heroine in his arms, he wants to protect her and soothe her fears instead of coerce her into bed, but it’s too late—I hate him.
I’m also wondering if I’m just being a horrid judgmental bitch. Having been raised by a strong feminist mother, one who volunteered for a rape crisis center, I grew up with ‘rules’ of how to stay safe on dates and at parties. My mom taught me these rules and I will teach them to my daughter in the hopes of keeping her as safe as possible.
My ‘rules’
1) Always have one person who is watching out for the others. You can take turns, or in my case it’s always me, because I never drink much. This person makes sure no one drives drunk or goes home with a stranger.
2) Never—ever—take a drink from someone you don’t trust. Watch the bartender pour it if you can, or get drinks in unopened bottles.
3) Never leave your drink unattended. If you walk away from your drink ,you get a new one.
4) Always have ‘mad money’ set aside to get a taxi if you need to. A lot of cabs will do credit cards now, but it’s always good to have $20 stashed just in case.
5) Never go somewhere to be alone with someone you don’t know/trust. Find a corner table, sit outside where others are nearby, but where you can still have a conversation. You do not go to their car, an empty room, or anywhere else they can isolate you.
Obviously if you want to have sex with someone, this last rule does not apply, but then you are making a choice—which is how it should be. People should choose to have sex.
So I put the question to you, what advice, rules, and strategies do you use or tell your children or friends to do in order to keep safe while going to clubs, bars, or parties where there is a lot of drinking?
I can’t believe I’m going to have to start having these conversations with my eleven-year-old.
You could try Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. She was a feminist, too, and wrote strong, sensible female characters who refuse to compromise their principals for the sake of the men in their lives.
LOL It’s on my kindle I swear!
Yep, sorry the sooner the better 🙂
It might be slightly out of your usual range of reading material, but I would suggest you read Calan by Prudence MacLeod. I think Calan’s ideology when it comes to dating and relationships is something that more of today’s young people ought to consider, whether they are male or female.
Yay thanks for the rec Charis!