I am always my own worst enemy. The thoughts that run rampant in my head can take a turn for the worst, and when this happens my life crashes. Of course, I have big batches of time where I am sane-ish, when I get things done, take care of myself, and feel good. But when things tip, when I lose my balance, these thought come rushing in, and suddenly not writing and sleeping all day sounds great. Instead of eating an apple, I eat ice cream, and getting enough sleep? yeah, that’s one big joke.
So how does one stop crazy thoughts?
I could read books. There are plenty of spiritual/ self-help books that focus on being in the here and now, that offer meditations to let those negative thoughts go. But really I don’t have the time, and I would only do it when I’m doing well.
So I have opted for an easier way, a more passive way, and I’m doing it right now. Subliminal messages. Oh, yes. I am employing the ancient art of brainwashing on myself. I am using a series of tapes, some that are subliminal, some guided imagery, some sleep programming.
If I can’t find will power within myself, then I shall brainwash myself into it!
Right now I am doing tapes that focus on health, healthy eating, and weight loss. But they also have ones on creativity, getting more done, overcoming fears, and tons of other topics.
I have had enough of my brain getting in the way of self-discipline, leaving me the moment things get tough. Maybe these won’t work. Maybe they will. The other day I was planning on eating nachos for lunch. I started to grab the stuff and suddenly did not want them anymore. I had fruit instead and an hour later when I was actually hungry, I made a sandwich.
I figure as long as the messages aren’t turning me into part of some mad woman’s secret assassin army, it’s all good.
Do you have self-discipline? Are you able to keep the negative self-talk to a minimum, or do you also try to drown the voices in egg rolls and cheese cake?
I’ve used this method mostly to help me sleep. It’s not a cure, but I think it does help. Good luck with it!
Thanks, I think it is helping a bit.
I try to introduce new habits one at a time, and make them easy at first. When I start with fitness, I do deep water aquarobics, because it is social, low impact, and most of the others in the pool are much older than me, so I don’t look grossly unfit. After a few months in the pool, I start to walk, then run (does it sound as if I am a yo yo exerciser? well I am). Same with eating habits…
Such a good plan. I usually go insanely type A and try to be perfect or do nothing. Moderation I might have to try that 🙂