Two Fat Ladies is a hysterical British cooking show staring Clarissa Dickson-Wright and Jennifer Paterson. The ladies travel around England in a motorcycle with a sidecar. The ladies use fresh, local ingredients to make traditional English meals. This is a wonderful peek into the English countryside and watching them cook is so much fun! As a vegetarian I can’t eat most of what the ladies cook, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying the show anyway. They are so sarcastic and snarky, it’s a very fun show. If you find yourself tired of re-runs of your favorite food shows then you need to check out Two Fat Ladies.
More Food Porn with two Fat Ladies
by Alica McKenna Johnson | Jan 13, 2012 | Foreign Film Friday | 2 comments
These ladies feel like a couple of ol’ aunts chatting it up in your kitchen as they cook. Such a home feel. Thanks for sharing, Alica!
They are- they’re so funny and sometimes crass- in a totally proper British way of course. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!