2009 Lost Memories- I have another Korean movie for you. This one has a bit of a sci-fi theme to it. It’s an alternate reality where Japan joined America in WWII and then took over Korea and most of Eastern Asia. I had fun watching this movie. Hubby and I yelled at the TV during the cheesy parts and got into the drama of the plot during the rest. There were some parts where the film was grainy- maybe they ran out of money for special effects?
One thing I enjoyed is as the hero grows and changes the differences between the Korean and Japanese cultures become more pronounced.
All in all it was fun- and if you’re a fan of Korean, sci-fi, and/or time travel movies then go watch this one. Again not the best but all in all very fun, esp. if you have someone to yell at the screen with you.
GreAt way to learn about the differences between Japanese and Korean cultures!
It was interesting- Thanks Patti
I must admit I love your foreign Friday posts. You save me a lot of frustration when choosing movies. 🙂 I’ll have to check this one out.
Thanks Bill I know it’s not my most popular spot, but I have a few of you who check in every Friday and I love foreign films so much I’m hoping to temp people 🙂 Let me know how you like it.