Music Monday

I’ve spent a lot of time with the boys so the next few Monday’s will be dedicated to female singers. The first is Marija Serifovic who won the 2007 Eurovision song contest. She has a rich voice which is full of passion and I love that she sings in her native language....

Foreign Film Friday

Were are back to BBC Tele for review twelve. I LOVE Sherlock Holmes stories from the old Basil Rathbone to the new Robert Downey Jr.- I am also ashamed to admit I’ve never read the books but I do plan to. Anyway the BBC show Sherlock is an modern Sherlock Holmes...

Music Monday

I’m not sure if everyone has already seen this video- it made the Internet circuit a while ago, but on the off chance someone hasn’t seen Playing for Change Stand By Me I wanted to share it. Playing for Change recorded street musicians from around the world and...

Foreign Film Friday

Movie number eleven is another Bollywood! Om Shante Om Yeah dancing, singing, beautiful costumes, and in this one a murder which spans over two lifetimes! Shah Rukh Khan who I have mentioned before because I love him, he’s an amazing actor. Deepika Padukone is the...