Foreign Film Friday

For my last Halloween horror movie fix I give you three new choices. High Lane is a French horror movie about a group of young adults who go mountain climbing and there is a psycho killer waiting for them. The views were beautiful- it was filmed in Croatia and if...

Music and Musings Monday

Creating Diversity Tip Five: Don’t be afraid to offend people. Redheads are often portrayed as sultry nymphomaniacs. No one minds writing us this way. Those of you who know me can just be quiet! No one worries about offending redheads, and yet we bite our finger nails...

Foreign Film Friday

I watched three movies this week to share with all of you. The first, Grimm, is a Dutch film the back cover led me to believe that it was a story about two adults trying to survive when they land in a fairy tale world- kind of an adult Hansel and Gretel. I have no...