Picnicking with cats.

One fine summer day my sister (8) and I (9) were left alone because we were old enough to look after ourselves. We decided to go on a picnic. The suburb we lived in was a new development. Lovely Alaskan forest was bulldozed to make building space for our townhouse....

Walking the Cat

One day I decided to take Pooder, my cat, for a walk. I was probably about nine or ten, and I don’t remember anyone else being around. I guess my parents were working, and Brandy must have been at a friend’s house. I was bored and decided that taking Pooder for a walk...

Cat Radio

I grew up in Alaska, and sometimes it was just too cold and dark to play outside. So my sister and I would play games, watch TV, and eventually get bored. Then we would attack the cats. The poor, poor cats. They would be dressed up in our old baby clothes. We tried to...