Sexy fun

My friend Heather sent me a link to a favorite Tarkan song and I then spent the next hour on youtube and wanted to share of of my favorites with you all....

Sexy, sassy, and sweet

So I’m having a MONDAY kind of day, which is odd because I usually like Mondays as I work all weekend and finally get time off on Monday, but not today le sigh. So I thought what makes me happy and I came up with John Barrowman He is awesome, and here is a video...

Pleasure an Author Day

I have decided to make a Pleasure an Author Day!!!! Woo-hoo!Break out the whips and chains, um, I mean wine and chocolates. 🙂 So what exactly are we doing? Well, if you are naughty like me, you have a bunch of books you need to review, and today you shall go and...