by Alica McKenna Johnson | Feb 29, 2016 | Alica Mckenna Johnson, Monday Musings, Parenting
One of the boys I take care of as a professional foster parent is two years old. Let’s call him Squirt, which means I come in contact with a lot of his bodily fluids. This grosses my personal children out. Girl child thinks all bodily fluids are disgusting. A few...
by Alica McKenna Johnson | Feb 22, 2016 | Alica Mckenna Johnson, Monday Musings
Recently I have discovered that I am a delicate flower, an orchid to be precise. I want to be, and try to act like, a dandelion but I’m not. I’m an orchid. Dandelions can grow anywhere. They are bright and cheerful. They help make wishes come true. Their leaves can...
by Alica McKenna Johnson | Feb 15, 2016 | Alica Mckenna Johnson, Monday Musings
The other day I’m rushing to leave. Staff is here to cover my shift at work, and I can’t find my keys. Not just my personal keys but my work keys. The keys that open the office. The keys that open the prescription meds, over the counter meds, and first aid boxes. The...
by Alica McKenna Johnson | Feb 8, 2016 | Alica Mckenna Johnson, Monday Musings
Welcome to my new and beautiful website. Thanks for much to Laird and Jenn of Pen + Pixel!!!! If you go to the BOOKS page you can see the cover and read the blurb for Heirs of Avalon, Children of Fire Book 3. Also, I have a FREE BOOK! One day my critique group asked...
by Alica McKenna Johnson | Dec 7, 2015 | Alica Mckenna Johnson, Monday Musings
As a kid I always saved my favorite part of my meal for last. I wanted the yummiest tastes to be the last on my tongue. I still do this, and it has taken me 41 years to realize this leads to overeating. Now of course since I am serving myself, I like everything on my...
by Alica McKenna Johnson | Nov 30, 2015 | Alica Mckenna Johnson, Monday Musings
I love cheese, real cheese that comes in blocks and has a rind. Cheese that smells pungent with a strong taste that would make kids gag. So why does the fake orange cheese always look so good? Plastic cheese sauce for nachos. ‘Cheese’ powder for boxed macaroni and...