Reclaiming My Life

After three days of using my CPAP machine and being able to breathe and sleep at the same time, I decided it was time to start bringing back the things I missed doing. Understanding my body, I did this in slow careful steps to allow for proper healing.   via...

What is Your Time Worth?

It can be difficult and even feel decadent or selfish to guard your time. But it is essential, when time is so limited and we have dreams that we are working towards. We cannot do everything, and at some point we must weigh the things that need to get done with our...

Mass Causalities: Lizards

My cats are a year old and vicious hunters. They have brought home insects, birds, garden snakes, and lizards. Lots and lots of lizards. Small baby lizards, long brightly colored lizards, and fat horned lizards. Some are still alive and tormented as my cats play with...

Iron Fist

I had heard a lot of iffy reviews about Iron Fist, but was willing to try it out myself. There were elements I liked. For example, the mix of Danny’s childish innocence and warrior fierceness, the complexity of the villains, and the story was interesting. I didn’t...

Daredevil Season 2

I loved Daredevil season one. It is a much darker and more violent show than I normally watch. However, the villains’ stories are so compelling I couldn’t stop. So I was excited to watch season 2, and unfortunately disappointed. I didn’t like season two nearly as...