The Wind Rises

I am a huge Hayao Miyazaki fan, so when I saw this movie on the shelf, I just picked it up and watched it. Now, I liked the movie a lot, but this is not a children’s tale. It is a story of a man, a genius, who loves airplanes and becomes an amazing engineer right before World War 2. We don’t see a lot of the war, we do see some interaction with the Germans, and Japan’s struggles with a recession. There is also a sweet and sad love story. Of course, the animation is outstanding. At one point...

My Daughter Making Hardened Criminals Cry Since 2014

Tala was walking home from school. Minding her own business. Okay, she was scoping out what everyone else was doing, giving nods to people she knows, winking at hot people, and listening to her music. A group of men from the prison were cleaning up debris. Orange jumpsuits, prison tats, and guards with guns—the works. So Tala walks by, and the men catcall her. Tala turns, pulling out her headphones and yells, “Hey I’m only fourteen years old, assholes!” Several of these men start apologizing...

Closet Monster

Last night I’m not feeling well, and climb into bed as early as possible. Which means EVERYONE had to talk to me or text me or email me from 8 to 930. Then I turn on the humidifier and cough, and almost fall asleep, and cough, and almost fall asleep, and cough, and almost fall asleep, until FINALLY I fall asleep. At 12:30am something crashes. A box top fell off the top of my closet shelf. I can see it lying on the floor. OMG, there are rats or ghosts or a monster in my closet! Now a sane...

Do Not Mock Me

Hubby points at the bathroom counter. Me: Don’t mess with my bottles. Hubby: What they hell is all this crap? Me: This is my new beauty regime. Hubby: Eyebrow Me: It works and reduces wrinkles and makes my skin healthier and smoother. Hubby: This is all crap. Your skin doesn’t absorb things; it is designed to keep things from getting into your body. Me-: You know what? just hush. I’m going out tonight, and when I get to the club, I’m going to get carded. And not because my friends are holding...

Like The Three Trials of Hercules Only Harder

On Jan 2nd I took Ginger Calem’s Writer’s Butt Class. I love Ginger, and her advice is simple, not time consuming, and totally makes sense. So as I embark on my new healthy supportive routines, the Universe has to fuck with me by throwing things in my life that would normally derail me and turn new routines into failed routines. First five days into class, I start my period. Sure it was going to happen eventually, but this wasn’t a normal period, oh no this was a Psycho PMS Cramps From Hell I...

Phoenix Child is Reborn!!!!

Two years ago I pulled Phoenix Child from Amazon and Smashwords to make a few adjustments and do another round of editing. It was only going to be down for a month or two. Cue hysterical laughter from every trickster / chaos god and goddess in every religion in the Universe to mess with me. Okay, so it wasn’t THAT bad but I had learned a lot since I’d put Phoenix Child up and decided to plot out my series a bit. Pantsing a series that builds off the previous book isn’t the best idea ever :)...

Sexy On The Inside

  Today has been a day of constant booty wiggles and jumps. Not in a sexy way, but because my pants keep falling down. I need a friggin’ belt. But what would help until then is not wearing the sexy underwear with these pants! The jeans don’t fit perfectly, and they slide down my black satin panties as I move around. So there I am grabbing belt loops and heaving jeans up my ass and doing the little wiggle to get them up all the way. Which is so not sexy, but neither is flashing panties in...

Creepy Ass Books for CHILDREN!!!!!!

I love books, and I want to share that love of books with the kids that come to live with me in foster care. At night, once they are tucked into bed, I sit in the hallway and read to them. I like to choose children’s classic because I feel it’s unlikely they’ll hear them any other way. I’ve read Beatrix Potter and Winnie the Pooh. Both have a lovely cadence to them, and the authors use the word ‘presently’ a lot. I ADORE the word ‘presently.’ I have no idea why. So next I try Peter Pan. I was...

Now And Forever

For my second Romance movie I choose Now And Forever, This Korean love story is sweet. It’s got the womanizing Min-su who is turned down by the lovely Hye-won, so he must pursue her. While spending much time with her, he starts to fall in love. Min-su isn’t very likable in the beginning. While he does have a growth arc, he is still kind of a childish pain in the butt at the end. But he grew on me. Hye-won was fun and snarky and kept giving Min-su shit, which I liked. She doesn’t trust him at...

Only Lovers Left Alive

For February I'm going to review love stories, cause you know the whole Valentines Day deal 🙂 Hopefully you'll find something new and fun to watch. My first movie is Only Lovers Left Alive. I love vampire movies, and I couldn’t pass up the one with Tom Hiddleston and Tilda Swinton. I really liked this movie. I felt Adam (Tom Hiddleston) and Eve (Tilda Swinton) were the perfect vampires. Removed from the world by time and experience, they still wrapped up in it. Adam, hating the changes,...



Alica McKenna Johnson writes about snarky girls, kind boys, and the adults trying to keep them alive. After day dreaming for the first thirty years of life, Alica finally began writing her stories down, much to the delight of her readers. As Alica sits in her armchair at home dreaming of traveling the world, her diverse characters explore for her listening to music, seeing the sights, and eating exotic foods.

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