My cats are a year old and vicious hunters.
They have brought home insects, birds, garden snakes, and lizards. Lots and lots of lizards. Small baby lizards, long brightly colored lizards, and fat horned lizards. Some are still alive and tormented as my cats play with them. The kids and I do our best to rescue them as quickly as possible.
We go through lots of protective gloves in my house so we can safely transport living lizards outside. We also use them to scoop up dead mangled lizard remains and then use the glove as a make shift lizard coffin.
There has been a significant increase of screaming in my house now that the cats have become mighty hunters.
Screams of “Take that back outside,” and “Don’t you dare let that go in this house,” and “Why my bed?” and of course the spontaneous screams of fear and disgust are heard throughout the house.
I am sure the cats take my screams as high praise of their mighty hunting abilities. I am glad my disgust doesn’t seem to damage their little kitty self-esteem.