So, conversations with me can be a multidimensional event.
I’ll start a conversation, one line, in my head, in an email, and then start talking out loud, frequently to my husband, who for some reason hasn’t yet mastered the art of reading my mind an therefore has no idea what I’m talking about.
Here is an example:
Me (looking up from my computer): Logan, the book definitely has homosexual themes.
Logan (my 18 year old son): Okay.
Me (frustrated sigh): The book you are reading for school.
Logan (laughing): Oh okay. I wasn’t sure if you meant the book you wrote, or the one you’re writing, or some new plot you’re working on, or a book you read, or a fanfiction.
Rod (hubby bows and spreads his arms): Welcome to my world.
I glare at them all, just because the conversation started in an email with a friend didn’t mean they shouldn’t have known exactly what I’m talking about!
So how do I adjust to fit the lack or unwillingness of my family to maintain a psychic connection with them at all times in case I need to speak to them?
I announce the subject before I start speaking.
Me (walking into a room): Phoenix Child, book one.
Hubby (sighs and continues folding laundry): Okay, go.
Me (ignoring the sigh): So what do think Sara would drink after being attacked by a walk-in while recovering at a trendy San Francisco café?
Hubby: Water?
Me (snorting): No, it’s cold. It needs to be something hot.
Hubby: Tea?
Me: she’s not British. (rest of conversation completed in head). Oh, great perfect, and the shot of caramel really shows her hidden girly side. Thanks honey.
Hubby shakes his head in awe of my awesomeness and continues to fold the clothes.
Are you a multidimensional conversationalist? How do you start conversations with your family that started in your head?
My poor husband long ago learned to quit asking “What’s wrong?” every time I’d get a weird look on my face. Now he just thinks “oh, book,” and assumes I’ll tell him if something really is wrong.
(PS: that’s one handsome man you got there!)
Thanks 🙂 he’s a keeper. I think our husbands should start a support group, we’ll need to come up with a good acronym. Hummm, I feel a blog post coming on.
No, because I’m a guy. We like to talk about one thing at a time.
LOL- this is just normal conversation it’s even worse if I get distracted by shiny things.