Today the lovely and inspiring Ginger Calem is going me today!
California Girl turned Texas Woman. Wife to one Superhero. Mom to three pieces of her heart. When she’s not keeping the house-natives happy and fed, Ginger can be found at her CrossFit gym or at her desk, writing about the characters clamoring in her head. Her favorite things are wakeboarding on long, summer lake days out in the boat, anything that causes spontaneous laughter, and living room dinners of sushi and wine.
1- We all have favorite books, ones we nag our friends to read, buy our loved ones as gifts, and the biggy, the books we read over and over again. What books have you read more than twice?
This was an easy one for me because I reread all of the Harry Potter books. The characters in that series feel like my friends so I have to hang out with them from time to time. Oh, and I’ve read Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander at least three times. How’s that for opposite ends of the spectrum?
I haven’t read Outlander, yet, but I adored the Harry Potter series.
2- Everyone seems to complain when their favorite book is made into a movie or mini series. What is your favorite movie based on a book?
Had to think about this one because the obvious answer would be the Harry Potter series. But I also loved the old TV mini-series based on The Thorn Birds. Wow—it was so good! Also, my husband and I just saw Hunger Games (midnight showing with our 3 kids) and I have to add that in here because I was extremely impressed and can’t wait to see it again!
Thorn Birds was my mom’s favorite mini-series! She loved anything with Richard Chamberlain.
3- When the zombie apocalypse comes what is going to be your weapon of choice?
My running shoes and I’d run like hell.
Running is a great skill, one I don’t have.
4- If I was bitten by a zombie I have a list of people I want to bite. Who’s at the top of your list?
The first politician I saw. Since they are so intent on biting and scratching at each other, I would have done my job to get rid of them all.
Very good plan, but would we be able to tell if they have been turned??
5- What do you think werewolf musk smells like?
Having just finished Kait Nolan’s RED (which was awesome!), I’d say pretty good … kind of like a visceral aroma of earthy attraction—raw pheromones lingering on sun-warmed skin.
What a great descriptions! And I agree Red is a wonderful book!
6- If you were to write yourself into your book what kind of character would you be?
Oh, that’s easy. I’d be Mai, the main character in my Ninja Chick book, which is my current project. She’s fiercely loyal, sarcastic and funny, and she gets to spend a lot of time with hunky and adorable Oliver. Oh, and she gets to be a Ninja, which I secretly am, but you can’t tell anyone. Sshhh!!
You’re secret is safe with me! I would love to be a ninja
7- What is the geekiest thing about you?
I’m still waiting for my acceptance letter from Hogwarts.
Wait, that’s geeky? Are you sure that won’t happen? *Looks for owls out the window*
8- Who is your arch nemesis?
My inner-critic. None of my Ninja-moves seem to thwart her! But, I’m working on some new moves and she better watch out.
I know that enemy!
9- What mad ass survival skill do you have?
You mean besides the Ninja stuff? Ok, seriously, I’m extremely resourceful and I’m ornery enough to survive to prove it can be done.
Never under-estimate stubbornness.
10- We’re all supposed to be eating healthy, but what naughty treat tempts you the most?
Anyone who follows my blog or knows me from Twitter and Facebook know that I’m a healthy eater and a fitness geek. But—this girl can’t pass up some movie popcorn. I can say no to almost anything but I walk into the theatre and I smell that warm, crunchy, yumminess! No added butter to make it soggy, no flavored salts or crap, just hot, just-popped, popcorn. In fact, I make them scoop it out of the freshest spot.
Okay now I’m hungry!
11- How old were you when you stopped believing in the Easter bunny?
I don’t understand the question. Who doesn’t believe in the Easter Bunny?
LOL- true is you don;t believe you don;t get goodies.
12- What do you love most about you’re current book?
Mai’s voice in my head and the energy of her potential.
I love having strong character voices in my head.
13- What style of book do you secretly long to write, but are afraid to try and do?
What a great question. I have this idea about the lost city of Atlantis and the pole-shift and in my head it seems so cool but it’s so BIG that it scares me. I don’t want to rob the story of it’s magic by not doing it justice. Maybe someday. I have to manage these Ninjas first and they are out of control at the moment. 🙂
I LOVE Atlantis stories, I hope you write it some day!
14- As an author tells us three things that will mean success to you in your writing career.
I love this question! Ok—
1. Having my first book available for sale at Amazon and having people actually purchase it, people not related to me, who will love it (of course) and then review it kindly. I will do cartwheels down the street, on video, and post it on my blog when this happens!
2. Being contacted by readers saying they loved my book and can’t wait to read the next one.
3. Being invited to give a keynote address at a major writing conference.
Those are lovely goals for success! I can’t wait to read about Mai and her mad ninja adventures! Thank you so much for hanging out with me today. And for those for you who don’t follow Ginger- you need too! You can find her at her Blog and on Twitter
I have to confess – Thorn Birds is one of my favorite guilty pleasures…
Thorn Birds was one of my mothers favorites 🙂
Terrific interview! I loved Ginger’s response that she would zombie bite politicians, and your reply of “how would you know they’d turned”? LOL.
Thanks Julie I had a lot of fun!
Great interview! My next batch of popcorn will be in honor of Ginger. 😉
🙂 Thanks August!
I love The Thornbirds – so far. It’s one of Mom’s favorites, so T and I got her the DVD for her birthday last month. Unfortunately, we only made it through 2 episodes before we had to head home. We’ll watch the next two when we go back up there.
But I’ve loved the music since childhood, and have fond memories of playing the theme on the piano. Beautiful music.
I also realized that photos of my fiancee when she was in her twenties bear a remarkable resemblance to Rachel Ward in The Thornbirds. I shared this with a friend — only sharing the photos of Rachel Ward — and my friend agreed it was uncanny. Now we need another of those “Change your profile photo to a celebrity you’ve been told you look like” cycles to come through Facebook again. 🙂
Did you ever watch The Thornbirds: The Missing Years? I’ve heard good things, okay things, and horrible things about it. But it’s on DVD in Netflix, and I’ve been debating on whether or not to give it a go (after we get through all the Dallas seasons, that is!).
Your Hogwarts letter is still MIA too, huh?
Thanks Amanda, I haven’t watched it in years, and The missing Years, I didn’t even know they had that.