Hello everyone I’ve decided to stop being such a loner and invite others over to play. Today I have the pleasure of interrogating sharing my blog with Angela Wallace.

Angela Wallace has been penning adventures ever since she was sucked through a magical portal as a child. What she saw and whom she met gave birth to exciting and complex fantasy worlds where defying the laws of physics was a bonus. She has since come back down to earth, only to discover this mortal realm has magic of its own. Now she is quite at home in the world of urban fantasy, though believes that love, faith, and hope are of a stronger magic than fire wielding and sorcery. She loves gun-toting good boys, and could have been a cop in another life except real blood makes her queasy. She’ll have to stick to solving supernatural mysteries. Language is her pleasure, whether it’s weaving words on a page or lassoing linguistics into translations as a sign language interpreter. Angela is currently working on the next book in her Elemental Magic series.

How old were you when you fell in love with reading? Can you remember what book/ books inspired you?

I fell in love with reading the moment I learned how. My dad will brag that I was reading at 18 months, but I can’t attest to that. The books that really inspired me at a young age were Tamora Pierce’s quartets, Song of the Lioness and The Immortals. The characters were strong, brave young women, and the series watched them grow from children to young adults. I remember going on those journeys with the characters, and it was inspiring not only in seeing them triumph over the trials in their lives, but it helped me turn to writing my own envisioned journey down on paper.

I haven’t read those- two more books to add to my TBR list!

We all have favorite books, ones we nag our friends to read, buy our loved ones as gifts, and the biggy, the books we read over and over again. What books have you read more than twice?

Dee Henderson’s The O’Malley series. They’re Christian romantic suspense, full of great, fast-paced action, heartwarming love stories, and a beautiful portrayal of family bonds. When I wrote my first paranormal romantic suspense, those are the books I studied as the model I wanted to emulate.

I love books that inspire me to be a better writer!

Everyone seems to complain when their favorite book is made into a movie or mini series. What is your favorite movie based on a book?

I actually love it when books are made into movies. I have this weird compulsion to compare the versions, ever since I was eight and I sat down to watch The Wizard of Oz with the book in my lap, going through every page with each scene from the movie. My favorite adaptation, though, would definitely have to be Lord of the Rings. No offense to Tolkien, but his writing style is hard for me to get into. Sword fights on screen are way better. 🙂

I bet you were so cute siting on the couch critiquing The Wizard of Oz!

What mad ass survival skill do you have?

I’m immune to poison oak. Which means I can run away through it or hide in it.

That is a pretty awesome survival skill- one I unfortunately do not have.

We’re all supposed to be eating healthy, but what naughty treat tempts you the most?

My mom made gluten free apple pie for the first time this Christmas and it was SO GOOD. We bought enough stuff to make it three more times, but I had to promise myself I’d only make one pie a month, and not every week.

Yum, both my daughter and I have to eat gluten free- I might need that recipe.

Where is the weirdest place you’ve ever written?

I was on a youth retreat once and one of the “exercises” involved dropping us in the middle of the woods to sit and have alone time. Good thing I took a notepad, or I would have gone crazy.

What do you love most about your current book?

I’m working on two and both are in different stages. The first is in revision/edits as my crit partners go through it, and I love watching it grow from their feedback and how I apply it. The second is in the first draft writing stage, and I love working with a new main character. She’s quite different from the MC in the first two books of my Elemental Magic series, and getting to know her voice has been a lot of fun.

I with you, I adore getting to know a new character!

What style of book do you secretly long to write, but are afraid to try and do?

I’d love to write a cop series of murder mysteries, but I’m afraid the plots I’d come up with would be too outlandish. Plus, I’m pretty sure my main characters would get shot. A lot.


What is the geekiest thing about you?

I can write in Tolkien’s elvish runes.

I love it!

Thank you so much Angela for hanging out with me today. It’s been so much fun! And if I ever lose something in a patch of poison oak I know who to call for help.

Now that you know how awesome Angela is- or because you need to contact her to get something out of a patch of poison oak you can find –Blog or Facebook or on Twitter

You can also find her books on Amazon and Smashwords

Phoenix Feather: Aidan Quinn is a centuries-old phoenix living as a human. Weary of the repetitious life cycles, she’s not sure she has it in her to love again, though dashing fireman Trent McCain is going to do his best to convince her otherwise. But the clock is ticking—a serial killer is on the loose, and he’s on the hunt for a phoenix.

Elemental Magic: Aileen Donovan wants nothing more than recognition as a scientist by her supernatural community. What better way to do that than to solve a mystery involving a power-hungry alchemist, hallucinogenic coral, and a homicidal sea dragon? The hard part will be working with Coast Guard officer Colin Benson—until the tides turn, and Aileen realizes that love and duty may not be mutually exclusive.